Saturday, 13 April 2013

At Dusk

At dusk the question was asked:'how have  the hours that made up the day been  spent?'

The pause lingered searching for silence and thoughts beckoned on ticking sound of the clock

The speed of day has overtaken the hour and the  choices made produced experience packaged in events that decides the future.

Then it's clearly known that the future is not eons away but hidden in the choices made and the choices made form the bricks that lay the pathway to the future.

At the blink of the eye a new dawn greets. Welcoming a fresh start hidden behind time. What becomes of this is a decision to make...

Saturday, 9 March 2013

A look at Grace

I ran so hard to scale the height, but my weight and might slowed me down
I thought all night to make it right, but my skill and mind went few miles
I called on friends that seem so close, but they all had tasks they turned me down
I walked all routes to find the path, but my strength failed me and my feet grew weak
I spent  so much to make it work, but result was low and cost went high

This went on for days untold

The pain remained and my strength did wane

Then I heard of Grace and took a gaze
The more I look the less the pain
The gift bestowed was worth much more
The ease and speed surpassed my strides
The rest and peace refreshed my soul
The help I got propelled my pace
The skill and might increased with time
The path to take was made so clear
Real friends and guide came in throngs
My view and scope enlarged and grew
The rays of hope were bright as day
The strength I need increased and soar
A look at grace will make you win...

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

The Colour of Love

 It’s another time of the year to celebrate Love. Everyone is ready to paint everywhere red with the ‘colour’ of love. The gift shops are making quick sales, both online and offline services are available. Most services comes with ads-on as free delivery and fantastic promos, incredible discounts, and lots more.

Social media and Print media are agog with intense preparation in creating awareness and smiling to the banks for good returns on advertising. Event centres are fully booked. Clubs and Cinemas are not left out. Most spouses will ensure the long over-due promise of ‘taking-you-out’ is implemented. And of course there will be a lot of late hour buying of gifts/flowers/cakes or (surprises).

Emphasis is also on giving your loved- ones and 'prospective' loved ones a great experience. It's almost certain that more will be spent on gifts on Valentine’s Day than any other day of the year (especially amongst the youth and youthful). Some will even embark on taking 'soft' loans from available sources to ensure that they are not left out from this great carnival. What a great day February 14 will be!

Love is such a strong force, a language that's understood by all irrespective of tribe, status, gender or religion. It becomes the title of most speeches and a focal point to foster unity and encourage trust. Our world will be  peaceful  if the gifts, beautiful flowers, lovely cakes, outings, dates and all the eventful celebrations are not restricted to a 24hour episode. If we resolve to extend the celebration to all the days within the 365days we'll sure have the best of time. If we decide to take our eyes off self and dare to take care of someone else without expecting any returns. If we decide to stop throwing stones but rather build lives. If we decide to stop accumulating  resources meant for all but rather utilize them for the intended purposes. If we decide to carry out assigned tasks to the best of our capabilities. Understanding that whatever we do is a product to be purchased directly or indirectly by someone else should drive us to put the best of thoughts in executing such a task.

The colour of love will be well painted if the  activities of February 14  translates to a culture of selflessness as against selfishness. Integrity as against corruption. Hard work as against laziness. Nation-building as against fueling crisis. The smiles we put on faces, the kind gesture we show to everyone, the gift we part away with on this day should form part of our life-long  policy. Love is a scarce commodity, hence everyone hawking this commodity is priced highly. We should paint everywhere red with genuine and sacrificial love every day.

Sunday, 10 February 2013


With colourful wings the sky was painted
Our  team of eagles flew so high
They soar and glide and scored real goals
storm of opposition raged so hard

little hopes we had in them
critics cried so loud and strong
still they choose to see the goals

In early games we saw no win
They played a draw with opposing team
The trophy they saw with a victory's mind

when hope is lost and trust had gone
what we see decides the win
Victory is sure inspite of all

Our eagles can fly now we know
Our nation our country can fly also
If we choose to see the best
and focus on nothing but to build our land
Unity of purpose will keep us strong
We'll win again in all our sectors
The loot will stop and growth will rise

Lets sheath the sword and kill no more
Our Green White Green will fly so high

Our country Nigeria will fly again
this hope is real because we won!