Saturday, 10 October 2015

Life's Worth

                                          Credits: “ Tra.”

Life happens...
Presenting different shades
Shades of joy or pain
Amidst intense preparation,yet life's outcome springs a surprise...

Disequilibrium sets in
The surprises defies logic
The smart is seen as dumb
The options to advance is still an option...

The pain of the moment remains transient
It should never be traded for an exit from Time...
The phase will pale away...
The pain will go away...
Life's worth far exceeds the aches from pain...

Thursday, 13 February 2014

I need a Val

I  need a Val

Me: I need a Val whose love is real to make my life as fresh as new
You: this wish of yours resounds the thought of so many minds
Me: but I’ve searched from far and near in vain
You: your search is so ‘cos love is scarce
Me: But Love I've seen in young and old, but love I've seen on screen and print, but love I've seen in man and girl but what I've seen is ankle deep.  
You: I hear your quest and see your thirst. The depth you’ve seen is all they know.
Me: I kept my search to find good looks with thought in mind that looks are true, but I soon found out that looks deceive.
You: I get your point and feel your shock. The same deceit I've come to know.
Me: The few that gives expects returns and others think that the time to give is when they have lots of money
You: Money is good and helps a lot, but invaluable resources given as time can help so much and change more lives. The gift of counsel that one may give can also help to meet a need.
Me: It seems to me that we've all got gifts to give always.
You: That's the truth that will bring the change. We all should give devoid of self. We all should give to help someone. The giving days should not be one. The day to love should not be one. The love to give should be real and true. The love to give should be devoid of self. The love to give should be to help.
Me: What you've said is what I'll do. I'll choose to love without condition and be the help that others need.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

At Dusk

At dusk the question was asked:'how have  the hours that made up the day been  spent?'

The pause lingered searching for silence and thoughts beckoned on ticking sound of the clock

The speed of day has overtaken the hour and the  choices made produced experience packaged in events that decides the future.

Then it's clearly known that the future is not eons away but hidden in the choices made and the choices made form the bricks that lay the pathway to the future.

At the blink of the eye a new dawn greets. Welcoming a fresh start hidden behind time. What becomes of this is a decision to make...