Saturday, 9 March 2013

A look at Grace

I ran so hard to scale the height, but my weight and might slowed me down
I thought all night to make it right, but my skill and mind went few miles
I called on friends that seem so close, but they all had tasks they turned me down
I walked all routes to find the path, but my strength failed me and my feet grew weak
I spent  so much to make it work, but result was low and cost went high

This went on for days untold

The pain remained and my strength did wane

Then I heard of Grace and took a gaze
The more I look the less the pain
The gift bestowed was worth much more
The ease and speed surpassed my strides
The rest and peace refreshed my soul
The help I got propelled my pace
The skill and might increased with time
The path to take was made so clear
Real friends and guide came in throngs
My view and scope enlarged and grew
The rays of hope were bright as day
The strength I need increased and soar
A look at grace will make you win...